I recently picked mine. :D
I picked..............

Why: About a year ago I was going through a stressful time. Some people who are close to me were not getting along and so it was frightening me. I was at a party and was really stressed so I had to go in the bathroom and pretty much just cry. I had my Bible in my purse and so I read it. I felt the peace of God in my countanance. When I got up and looked in the mirror I saw my anchor necklace that my uncle had bought for me only about a week ago. The reason why I got that necklace, the song "Anchor" by Satellites and Sirens, floated through my head: "All around the tide is pulling away, You anchor, anchor me down". That sent happiness through me and I smiled as I held the necklace and played the song in my head. Then I felt better.
So that's why I picked anchors as my fashion mantra. To remind me that I am anchored in Him, FOREVER.
Forever His,