totally dumping on my awesome friend Tessa (Btw, thank you amazing friends for listening to my dumping the past month!!) I was feeling all "ugh" about life and how I just wanted to go to Heaven and have everything be all right when I realized that Christ coming gave peace ON earth. Not just peace in Heaven, but peace on EARTH!!
I don't have to be depressed or feel that life is worthless because Christ made a meaning by coming to earth. He obviously didn't think life was worthless.
BUT THE BIBLE IS CONTRADICTING you may say. It says in Ecclesiastes that everything is vanity and then a hop skip and a jump later it's telling me that life is full of purpose!!
I think what Solomon meant in Ecclesiastes is that to live for material things only will leave you empty. Only when we make Christ our passion and do things for HIM will we have lasting joy and meaning.
So, my blog friends, "I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." ( Philippians 3:14)
<3 you Dorothy. This is so true!!!