
Thursday, September 29, 2011


Wrote this a couple months ago, just now posting it:

Do yourself a favor and take in the meaning of this song. Don't obsess over anyone in the media and think that you're not idolizing them and they have great morals just cause they say they are a Christian.
When they fall, it will hurt you, I know.
We all can fall, even if we once were on the right path.

You're the coolest person, that I have ever seen
So pretty with your perfect face on the tv screen.
Well, you're a god I know it how you stand above them all
You are my perfect person, man, I'd hate to see you fall
I want someone to believe in, yeah, well don't we all
Cause in this life of imperfection want someone who won't fall
You've got it, you've got it, you've got it all.
Got a magazine today, that was full of you
Shocked to read the words they said, tell me they're not true
Add you to my fallen list, one more has hit the ground
The fault was mine, I held you too high, your only way was down.
I want someone to believe in, yeah, well don't we all
Cause in this life of imperfection want someone who won't fall
You've got it, you've got it, you've got it all
I can't deny this need inside, I have to find the perfect one
But I wonder if behind my need, there might just be a reason
Is my life just one big searching for the one I can adore,
It never works and I'm just left here wanting more
Could it be this hungers there, to drive me to the One
Who's worthy of all worship, would my searching then be done?
("Pedestal" by BarlowGirl". You can look this up by googling it or listening to it on
This post was written in my lament over Joe Jonas' video for "Just in Love With You".
To fellow JoBro lover, Elissa, text me about it girl, it's depressing :(
Forever His,

Thursday, September 8, 2011


I realized something today that I would like to share :).

I was inspired from reading 2 Corinthians 2.

Forgiveness can be hard for me, at least. I tend to take offense at the smallest things and hold them to people for YEARS.

Then I realized today that we can forgive because God gave everything for us. He's given us everything, saved usrom Hell, we don't have to be kept captive by Satan's devices for trapping us in sin. We have been SET FREE from the power of grudgery and are free to forgive people for even the deepest hurts and show them love.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dear Lovely Mom :)

16 years ago you were anxiously awaiting the arrival of your new baby girl. You were large, bedridden, and in a foreign city with a nickname of "Sin City".

THANK you for taking care of me every single day of my life.
THANK you for caring about me when the doctors wouldn't give me back to you.
THANK you for enduring the pain of bringing me into the world.
THANK you for showing me God.
THANK you for laying in a bed for 7 months of (I'm guessing) pain.

You really are the best! LOVE FOREVER!!! <3 <3 <3

Pre- Birthday

Well, today is the last day I am living as 15 years old.

Pretty crazy.

Just thinking of how God has changed me and brought me through so much in my short 16 years is truly amazing!

"Thoughts of You, and how You changed me, fill my mind....You still loved me even when I, pushed you away...You stood there and waited, until the day I returned."

This song, "Thoughts of You" by BarlowGirl really relates to me.

God has changed me so much its incredible:
Instead of being really mean, He made me kinder.
Instead of being a feminist, He made me pretty much the biggest girly girl ever.
Instead of desiring to be worldly, He has given me a fire for Him.
Instead of liking secular music way better, He's given me a special love for Christian music.

I'm in a song quotey mood so here is some:

"You are more, beautiful than anyone, ever, everyday, You're the same, You never change, no never." ~"There is No One Like You" by BarlowGirl

"For You I sing, I dance, rejoice in this Divine romance, lift my heart, and my hands, to show my love." ~"Divine Romance" by Phil Wickham

"Had I the guilt, of all the world, He's able to forgive, why should I fear the debt is payed, if only I'd believe." ~Hymn

^School picture for 15 yrs old. Goodbye 15!!